This inspirational, three-minute video highlights the story of Muskaan, a 13-year-old girl and former child labourer, discovered by GoodWeave inspectors while working in a home-based, outsourced apparel supply chain in India.
It was filmed and produced by Will Jack Robinson of The Studio_M.
We have proudly supported this fantastic company for over half a decade and about 50% of our rugs are GoodWeave certified.
GoodWeave are an award-winning team of business-minded experts and advocates for social change dedicated to ending child labour, forced labour, and bonded labour in global supply chains.
For more than two decades now, GoodWeave has been fighting to end child labour on several different fronts: widening the ambit of its original rug certification program to include ever more partners up and down the supply chain; raising awareness of the issue among consumers, importers, exporters, retailers, and designers; reducing prevalence in the carpet industry by 80 percent and directly rescuing children from their looms, and from lives of servitude.