Recycled Newspaper Bags
This eco-friendly product is made from recycled Indian newspaper.
Our newspaper bags are made by an NGO* whose main objective is to provide education and shelter to street children.
The organisation, which Uneeka has supported for over 10 years, was started in 2004 by street children who wanted to give something back in return for the opportunities which had allowed them to escape desperate circumstances. These elder children, now married with children of their own, generate an income by making newspaper bags and jute items. This allows them to take care of thirteen street children that they have saved from the streets surrounding Delhi train station. Support for this wonderful project means that these children can enjoy going to school and playing, rather than pulling rickshaws, shoe polishing, rag picking and worse.
The newspapers are either in Indian language or English. They are made from recycled newspapers, this is why sometimes your bag will have a completed crossword! *NGO's are non-governmental organizations or non-profit groups that function independently of any government. NGOs, sometimes called civil societies, are organized on community, national and international levels to serve a social or political goal such as humanitarian causes or the environment. |

Our goods are handmade and we aim through Fair Trade to provide much needed employment particularly in rural areas and also to keep traditional craft skills alive. We trade with family firms and co-operatives and by working together to introduce new products hope for long term working relationships and continuous employment for the craftsmen. All workers involved in making and packing our products are treated with respect in reasonable working conditions and are paid fair wages. No child labour is involved and no child is exploited. Our goods and production techniques are environmentally friendly. We reuse packaging and promote the use of newspaper. We use green electricity. We support ideas for improving social medical and education conditions for worker families involved in the production of our goods. |
Available in a range of sizes, support this organization today and shop these bags online here. 50p each |