Flat Leaf Parsley Hydro Herb*


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These make a perfect gift for someone who enjoys growing their own or for someone who loves to cook!

Every kit contains all you need for your chosen herb. A recycled wine bottle is used to construct the body of the system, all edges are ground by hand so there’s no need to worry about sharp corners left over from cutting the bottle. Watering the kits could not be simpler just keep an eye on the water line (clearly visible) and top up when needed, every couple of weeks.

Each kit contains enough organic hydroponic fluid for you to be able to grow your herbs for approximately two years. The kits also come with spare parts so that if your horticultural skills require a little honing there’s a second chance waiting.

About Flat Parsley: Proving to be possibly our most asked for addition to the family, despite the presence of its Curly leaved brethren is Flat Parsley, clearly a fresh herb that is enjoyed by a very large number of people. Parsley is in the wild seen to show a two year growth cycle with it growing leafy in the first year (roughly 30cm max height) and in the second showing a flowering stem (easy to identify due to it looking quite different and outgrowing its surrounding stems), indoors it will grow all year round and if you nip out the flowering stem as it appears in the second year strong vegetative growth should follow.

Commonly used as a garnish on meals just like curly parsley, flat parsley is also often seen as part of a bouquet garni used in the preparation of stocks, sauces and soups.  Unlike other herbs cooking with parsley does not reduce its flavour profile, in fact it is enhanced by this process allowing its slightly bitter peppery tones to shine through.