Floral Bouquet Jewellery Gift Box


Floral bouquet gift box has an unusual print with flowers playfully arranged with a medley of colours to form a beautiful handmade paper box, which anyone would be delighted to receive. These boxes are sturdy and made to exceptionally high standards – making them perfect for gift packaging, completely ideal for holding a selection from our premium jewellery range.

This range of gift boxes, gift wrap and gift bags are all handmade as well as being eco-friendly and sustainable, made from leftover cotton, a by-product of India’s huge garment industry. This is then taken and recycled into these fantastic, colourful paper products. Our supplier believes that great design and style goes hand-in-hand with sustainable and ethical production. They want to combat throw-away culture that has become more common in this modern age. They are doing the best they can do to avoid waste materials and resources and we love it!

Available in two sizes in either Blue, Pink, or Turquoise. Sold individually. 

Small: H7 x W7 x D3 cm.

Large:  H10 x W10 x D3 cm.